Switching steps of natural gas generator set

The natural gas generator set has good power generation quality, fast start-up, stable operation and many advantages. But this also needs to pay attention to some matters when using. For example, startup and shutdown of the unit. The small editor introduced that the startup and shutdown of natural gas generator set should be done one by one, and the steps should be clear!


1. Before starting the natural gas generator set, pay attention to the installation of gas pipeline system and gas components, combined simulation detection of sensor and control panel, etc. Notes for the next unit:

(1) Before start-up, the sundries (such as turning bar, tools, screws, etc.) placed on the unit (rotating parts) shall be cleaned to prevent the workpiece from flying out and hurting people during start-up.

(2) When turning manually before startup, pay attention to disconnect the starting power supply first, so as not to touch the start button by mistake, and the turning rod will fly out and hurt people.


2. Operation requirements of natural gas generator set

(1) When starting, first step on the foot switch, press the start button, empty the gas in the cylinder, and then open the gas valve. It is strictly prohibited to supply gas first and then press the start button. In case of unsuccessful startup or flameout after startup, close the gas valve, find out the cause, exhaust the mixed gas in the cylinder, and then restart according to the specified procedures. After successful startup, kick off the foot switch.

(2) When starting up, open the doors and windows and start the exhaust device until it stops.

(3)When operating in the machine room, the operator shall wear safety helmet or helmet. During the operation of the machine, the operator shall not directly face the explosion-proof door, avoid high-speed rotating parts such as flywheel, and shall not touch high-temperature parts such as exhaust pipe.

(4) In case of gas leakage during operation, the operator shall unload the load and stop the machine for inspection.

(5) When the unit is running, pay attention to the explosion-proof safety door of the gas engine. In case of explosion (with loud sound), close the air source and replace the explosion-proof rubber before restarting.


3. Measures for shutdown of natural gas generating units shall be taken

(1) During normal shutdown, make the unit operate at idle speed until the water temperature and oil temperature drop below 60 ℃, and then cut off the air source for shutdown.

(2) After emergency shutdown, turn the gear and pump oil until the water temperature and oil temperature drop below 60 ℃, and then cut off the air source for shutdown.

(3) After shutdown, turn the “solenoid valve power” switch to the “off” position and close the main gas valve.

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Post time: May-18-2022